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What is NAS?


       NAS, also called a network storage server, is literally a device connected to a network with data storage functions. Generally speaking, Nas is a large-capacity U-disk, can store office documents, life photos, music video and so on. But NAS is larger in capacity, faster in data transmission, and more widely used. NAS is defined as a special dedicated data storage server, including memory devices (such as disk arrays / CDR / DVD drives). Tape drives or removable storage media) and embedded system software that provide cross-platform file sharing.

       NAS typically has its own node on a single LAN, accessing data on the network without the intervention of the application server, in which it centrally manages and processes all the data on the network. Unload the load from the user should be allowed to use or on the enterprise server to effectively reduce the total cost of ownership and protect user investment.

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